Our Cyber Pro Community is Social!

We convene our Conversation on LinkedIn


and on X (formerly Twitter)


and on Facebook


During and After Summit


The 13th Annual Cyber Security Summit: Resilience Unlocked has been created with an eye towards community connections. We come together this week to be with this fantastic and growing network of cyber security experts, practitioners, and students – all of whom are thought leaders – and are leveraging technology to maximize the experience. If you haven’t yet, be sure to
download the mobile Summit App with the QR codes at check-in as it contains the full Summit lineup of sessions, speakers, bios, events and activities, complete with any last-minute updates not available at the time this guide was printed. You can connect with others and send direct messages, too. Sessions that were recorded will be available to registered attendees for 30 days post-summit, so you don’t need to stress out when there are two or more sessions you want to see at the same time! Download research papers, product specs, and other documents from the app to complete your customized experience.

Summit Attendees will want our App

Want to Us to Amplify You During the Summit?

Here’s How:

Search engines LOVE TAGS so when you tag your post with #css13 #cybersecurity and #resilienceunlocked the social channels learn who you are and categorize you for future “programming”

People NEED AT MENTIONS – this… @ placed in front of people’s names and organizations sends your post directly to them and allows them to JOIN your CONVERSATION …AND… Allows our Cyber Security Summit Social Team to see you post and AMPLIFY you in our Official Summit Social Conversation.

Our Cyber Security Summit AT MENTIONS “@” are listed below so you can readily copy and paste them into your social posts.

 LinkedIn @cybersecuritysummit

X (formerly Twitter) @CyberSummitIntl

Facebook @cssummit

You can copy/paste the URL for this page so you have a handy reference throughout the summit.


Handy Post Content References 



Public Sector Seminar 

Tuesday, October 24 | 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Public sector is often described as “government”, but that doesn’t do it justice. Public sector encompasses township, municipality, city, county, state, local, tribal and federal organizations. Both elected and appointed public servants provide health, safety, criminal justice, housing, transportation, election and utility services, with one thing in common. Technology is the tie that binds, and the backbone that keeps our complex existence intact. This seminar brings solutions for today’s many shared cyber security challenges with a public sector focus.

Supporting Sponsors: FRSecure, Fortinet


Healthcare & Medical Device Seminar  

Tuesday October 24 | 9:30 AM – 4:00 PM

Maslow was right: survey ten people about what matters most, and health, safety and security sit atop humanity’s hierarchy of needs. Securing privileged health histories and patient payment information, plus protecting insulin pumps, pacemakers and medication dispensers from hackers is a tall order. The aviation industry was the first to recognize that a “coopetition” model with broad information-sharing saves lives, and this seminar follows suit with input from operational IT leaders, engineers, product security experts and other cyber-centric professionals.

Host: NetSpi  Supporting Sponsor: Fortinet


Industrial Critical Function Security Seminar 

Tuesday, October 24 | 8:30-4:30

Industrial security is a term met with quizzical looks at cocktail parties. “Critical functions” helps to paint the picture of processes, services, and systems so vital that their disruption, corruption or dysfunction would have a debilitating effect on physical or economic security, health or safety. Beyond government, it’s both public and private sector. Think clean water. Hospitals. Electricity. Air traffic control. Food shelves. Fuel pumps. The Mississippi’s 29 locks and dams required to move 175M tons of freight each year. In sum, we’ll talk about protecting what matters most.

Supporting Sponsor:  Fortinet


Women in Cyber Sessions

Tuesday, October 24 |8:30 AM – 4:00 PM

Fact: cyber security doesn’t always equate to job security. This year’s Women in Cyber lineup looks at the resiliency horizon through a female-focused lens. The dynamic and sometimes daunting nature of technology careers is best navigated with some “been there” wisdom. These seven sessions help you chart a path to a career that endures. Flexibility. Foresight. Follow your feels. Net new skills and brag a bit! Tackle team talks to hold space and recognize race. You’ll leave ready to bolster the work you want to do, and open up new opportunities.

Host: CHECKPOINT; Luncheon Sponsor: OPTIV, Supporting Sponsors Bremer Bank, Edgile, Virtual Garden, WiCyS


Tech Track Sessions & Workforce Workshop: Tackle the Talent Gap 

Tuesday, October 24 | Tech Track Sessions |9:30-3:20  | Workforce Workshop |  12:45 – 4:00

So much to choose from! Tech Track sessions provide the latest information to get you up to speed on today’s tools,
techniques, and tactics. CISOs and students alike will learn about the security systems, solutions and services that improve
ecosystems and cyber resilience. Mix and match with Women in Cyber sessions on page 16 and take a look at the Workforce
Workshop: Tackle the Talent Gap options for ways to recruit, engage and retain skilled professionals in a tight labor market


General Sessions + Breakouts

Visionary Leadership Awards- Dinner and Celebration


General Sessions 





The Cyber Security Summit Community Board
This year we introduce a new Community Board, where we can share thoughts, ideas and some prompted “best
of” inputs throughout the week. (share your ideas in the Summit conversation)


This year the traditional conference passport is sporting a new, sustainable look in the Summit APP, thanks to sponsor Material. Rack up points in the Material Security Challenge as you visit exhibitors in the EXPO hall, attend sessions, and connect with other attendees to earn prizes. (these moments are fun to share!)